Author: PRIOR TO TAKING CINNAMON Iv'e been battling the scourge of diabetes type 2 for years even lost my right lower leg and going completely blind as well all of which happened to me while I was on the maximum dosage of Dionil or Glycomin as well as Metformin. Fortunately my sight was restored through laser surgery and lens implants. Being mostly confined to a wheelchair, my weight, especially in my waist and thighs suddenly started increasing rapidly, so much so, that the wheelchair had started cutting off the circulation in my remaining leg and stump.To say nothing of my rising blood pressure and increasing bouts of depression. In spite of any bad situation thrown at me during my 60 years of life, I somehow always managed to bounce back as the eternal optimist. Nothing ever got me down for long, but lately, after a whole spate of disappointments, too painful to menti...