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This is a BLOG.
In a perfect world, I would leave it at that but we don’t live in a perfect world so here goes…
The opinions expressed in Spices Of Life From Your Kitchen Shelf(S.O.L.F.Y.K.S  however brutal), are my own and not those of subscribers/advertisers. Even though my opinions may upset, embarrass or tickle, please note that my intention is not to “destroy nor harm” any person, company or groups.
S.O.L.F.Y.K.S will publish submissions from other independent (& often funny) contributors who have their own minds, so publishing their work does not automatically mean that I agree with their opinions.
Yes, you have a right to disagree with us or challenge what I say, hopefully by commenting on the blog, but I do reserve the right to delete any comments that are plain racist, homophobic, defamatory, xenophobic or any other remarks along those lines.
I am opinionated and so are my readers but I will not be held liable for anything written in the comments’ section. I cannot guarantee the honesty, accuracy and politeness of the comments so if you are offended by anything mentioned, please feel free to let me know.
Lastly, I am human, which means we err and have a certain allowance of blonde moments. I personally write as I speak and will therefore not be prosecuted for bad grammar please!
And as it happens with us open minded people, my thoughts and opinions will change from time to time so please find it in yourself to deal with it? 
Unless otherwise stated, I do not claim ownership of any of the images used on the blog and all attempts will be made to list the sources. If you own rights to any of the images posted and do not wish to see them published on S.O.L.F.Y.K.S , please contact me and I will remove them.
S.O.L.F.Y.K.S  thrives on attention so please feel free to share the content but  then I ask that you please include an active link to the blog. It’s the right thing to do. *chuckle*


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