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The Lazarus Cure

One day my friend Jake hopped onto his bicycle and, like he had done many times before, my good friend and "weekend warrior" entered himself into a long-distance racing event. 

The event was to last seven days. But Jake never made it to the end of the first day. 

He suffered a massive heart attack and died before reaching the hospital. 

He was 63 years of age. 

When I heard the news I was as shocked as anyone. 

I am no stranger to death, but when someone with vitality is suddenly snatched away like this it is a sombre reminder that no-one is immune to the laws of biology, and that we take our fate in our hands every single day that we take our health for granted. 

I do not know what killed Jake that day. Many factors might have contributed. Stress, diet, high blood pressure coupled with poor medical intervention, or none at all... Who knows? But I can say two things with some degree of certainty. 

The first is that despite the apparent "out of the blue" nature of his death, Jake's body had probably been moving towards a state of crisis for some time. People rarely collapse and die without first getting warning signs in the days or weeks leading up to the event. See,  how a Nobel Prize winning
discovery can help you live longer
and beat almost any disease.

 BY FAR!!! 

I wrote it back in 2012 and am blown away by the great loyal interest shown on 
the subject, thank you!  
It’s nothing short of amazing. Thanks to a Nobel Prize winning discovery, you can now live longer, be healthier, and beat almost any disease. I call this discovery “the Lazarus Cure” because it can take aging cells and bring them back from the brink of death.
I’ll tell you all about the Lazarus Cure in just a moment, but first I need to explain why your body ages in the first place.
There are many symptoms of old age, but new research shows there is one main cause behind almost all of them. It’s called a telomere, and it determines the lifespan of every cell in your body.
Here’s how it works.
As you may know, every cell in your body contains DNA. And each time a cell divides, it makes a copy of that DNA. The problem is that the process isn’t perfect. Every time a cell divides, it loses a little bit of the DNA at the end of the chromosome.
The DNA at the end of the chromosome is called the telomere. A telomere is basically “junk” DNA that keeps the chromosome from unraveling. It’s sort of like the little plastic cap at the end of your shoelace.
As you know, when the cap on your shoelace wears out, your shoelace unravels and stops functioning. Well, your chromosomes work the same way. Every time a cell divides and the DNA copies, a little bit of the telomere “cap’’ is lost.
Eventually, the telomere becomes too short to hold the DNA together. At this point, the cell can no longer divide and it dies. These dying cells are what cause almost all “old age” diseases.
Research shows the shorter your telomeres are, the more likely you are to suffer from cancer, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, macular degeneration, and even skin aging. Dozens of studies link shortened telomeres to deadly diseases. For example…
  • Shortened telomeres increase your risk of dying from breast, prostate, colorectal, bladder, neck, lung and kidney cancer.
  • Shortened telomeres increase your risk of dying from infectious disease.
  • Shortened telomeres increase your risk of heart attack.
  • And shortened telomeres increase your risk of obesity and insulin resistance.
Until now scientists believed that there was no way to prevent your telomeres from shortening. They thought the aging process was irreversible.
Then two scientists discovered an “immortality enzyme” that can lengthen your telomeres.
And according to a review article, “In humans, this would be like restoring the health and vigor of a sickly 80-year-old to that of a young adult!”
So how can you lengthen your telomeres so you can live longer and beat nearly all the diseases of old age. To understand the aging process, it’s important to take a look at the cellular level to discover exactly how our cells age, and what impacts the aging process
The first big piece is looking at how effective TA 65 is in battling free radicals

Every day, free radicals are formed inside our bodies through standard, necessary chemical reactions. We also absorb free radicals through pollution, UV radiation, x-rays, second hand smoke, and through our own actions from stress, smoking, and weight gain.

Over-exposure to free radicals damages not only our cells’ ability to function properly, but also the integrity of our cells’ overall composition. This results the following generation’s cells that are less healthy and less productive than the ones they came from. As we age, the number of mistakes incurred by daily cellular reproduction increases. The body actually creates nonfunctional cells, leading to more rapid deterioration of the body’s functions. As this process goes on, it creates an increase in oxidative stress.

The next big piece in understanding cellular aging as you are reading ta 65 reviews, is increased oxidative stress.

Our bodies are constantly reacting with the air we breathe. We take in oxygen, as well as tons of other pollutants and toxins in our environment. As we breathe and eat, our body utilizes the oxygen and food to help create energy. The energy creating process, as well as the pollutants in our environment, create highly reactive molecules. These molecules are called free radicals. When free radicals interact with other molecules within the cellular structure, damage to proteins, membranes and DNA can occur.

Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance in a cell’s production and handling of free radicals and its natural ability to repair the damage caused by the exposure. Telomere shortening is accelerated by oxidative stress and inflammation. Both of these processes are affected by diet and lifestyle.  Thus, its important when looking at ta 65 reviews, to examine at how effective it is at battling oxidative stress. The secret will be in how many active ingredients ta 65 has that  do this.

With a few exceptions, the natural process for human growth and healing involves cells dividing. Cells divide primarily to grow or heal the body by replacing worn out cells with new cells.

Telomeres play an important role in cell division. Each time a cell divides, the DNA unwraps and the information in the DNA is copied. When the cell is finished dividing, the DNA comes back together and telomeres re-assume their protective roles at the ends of the chromosomes.

Unfortunately, telomeres lose a little bit of length each time this happens, like a pencil eraser gets shorter each time it’s used. So as you read ta 65 reviews, you’re most likely wondering if it really helps in the process of strengthening cell division more than the other proven product on the market that we’ve discovered.

Scientists have noticed that cells stop replicating when telomeres become too short. Without adequate telomere protection, essential parts of the DNA can be damaged in the replication process. In humans, a cell replicates approximately 40-60 times before the telomeres become too short. This limit is called the Hayflick Phenomenon (or limit). Research has shown the more a cell divides, the shorter the telomeres get, and the less time the cell will be productive and able to divide.

The majority of the work is done by the body’s own master antioxidant, glutathione, and antioxidant enzymes including glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase. Its essential to find food sources containing these. When telomeres shorten and fray, recent research suggests that these antioxidant defenses diminish and protection against free radicals goes down.

Does ta 65  prevent this?

Fortunately, emerging research reveals we may be able to influence cellular aging processes in positive ways. This may affect how efficiently cells repair and replicate themselves, which affects your health, well-being and the aging process in various ways.

What we did find was that many of these nutrients and compounds were not found in our ta 65 reviews.

Fortunately we did discover another alternative that appears to be a far superior alternative to ta 65, and a much more affordable one for those desiring to feel younger again. Before we get there, its important we highlight this recent research so you can make your own decision.

With the recent surge of interest in telomere shortening as an underlying cause of aging, it’s no wonder scientists are enthusiastically researching how diet and lifestyle can influence telomere length. Now, Ligi Paul, Ph.D., of the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, has reviewed the latest literature associating telomere length with nutrients, bioactive compounds, and lifestyle factors.

Telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes from fusing with each other, Dr. Paul reminds us, and their length is an indicator of biological aging. Although shortening is a normal part of aging, oxidative stress and inflammation definitely speed up the process of telomere shortening.

“Of interest to nutritionists, telomere length has been shown to be associated with nutritional status in human and animal studies. Healthy lifestyles and diets are positively correlated with telomere length,” Dr. Paul wrote. According to his review, the most recent studies have found that the following nutrients influence telomere length:

* Folate – This B vitamin is important for DNA and RNA structure and function.

* Vitamin B12 – In conjunction with folate, this B vitamin is important for the methylation, or detoxification, of homocysteine. Higher levels of homocysteine are associated with increased oxidative stress.

* Niacin (nicotinamide) – Can influence telomere length through its multiple regulatory and coenzymatic activities.

* Vitamin A and beta-carotene – These antioxidants reduce concentrations of harmful signaling molecules and increase beneficial ones to help reduce oxidative stress.

* Vitamin D – Higher levels of vitamin D lower levels of c-reactive protein (CRP), a protein with harmful effects and associated with shortened telomere length. Vitamin D appears to inhibit some of CRP’s harmful effects.

* Vitamins C and E – These antioxidant vitamins are widely acknowledged for limiting oxidative stress and its damage on DNA and telomeres.

* Magnesium – The mineral required for the activity of a number of enzymes involved in DNA replication and repair. Low amounts of this mineral are also associated with higher concentrations of CRP.

* Zinc – This mineral is necessary for a variety of enzymes including DNA polymerases, which are important for DNA and telomere maintenance.

* Iron – In contrast to the other nutrients, iron supplementation is associated with shorter telomeres. This is likely because of iron’s pro-oxidant ability to stimulate free radical generation. While iron supplements may increase oxidative stress, iron from diet or multivitamins (containing less iron) is not negatively associated with telomere length

* Curcumin and turmeric – Turmeric, and its primary component curcumin, are common dietary spices that stimulate synthesis of antioxidants, thereby protecting against oxidative stress. Mice fed diets containing curcumin had a trend for longer telomeres compared with controls.

* Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) – Higher plasma levels of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) may protect against oxidative stress by enhancing activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase.

* Polyphenols – Polyphenols from grape seed and green tea provide additional protection for DNA and telomeres from oxidative stress. Those who drink tea regularly have longer telomeres while mice fed grape seed polyphenols had longer telomeres compared to controls.

Upon further investigation, our ta 65 reviews show that it doesn’t contain any of these proven organic botanicals proven to lengthen telomeres.

In addition to natural ingredients that support telomere length, the key is the natural activation of telomerase in the human body.  Dr. Bill Andrews and his team at Sierra Sciences were the first to do this and incidentally have exclusively partnered with ‘The Mineral Man,’ John Anderson and his. 

His team that built this research won the Noble Prize in Medicine in 20009. The two were featured in a 12 page spread in Popular Science magazine for their groundbreaking work in August, 2011. The title of the article was, “The Man Who Stopped Time.” I have a feeling that may be the clue we are looking for when we were doing our ta 65 reviews, in deciding whether or not to purchase it.  Here is another great article on Dr. Bill.

Dr. Bill and his team at Sierra Sciences found its first telomerase inducer called C0057684. It was first ever discovered that activates the telomerase enzyme gene without killing the cells. Efforts are presently underway to learn everything possible about C0057684. But in addition, C0057684 has provided Sierra Sciences with the first positive control ever for detection of telomerase gene activity in normal human cells. This has served as a very powerful tool for the development of robust high throughput screening assays for finding additional telomerase inducers.

Whats most notable is that before meeting master herbalist & ‘mineral man’, John Anderson, Dr. Bill Andrews and Sierra Sciences only found one hit that activated telomerase in the human body that protects telomeres; much like ta 65 and their one plant phytochemical.

Unlike ta 65, after working with John Anderson, Dr. Bill Andrews and his team have found the following:

“We have screened 254, 593 compounds. We have found 858 telomerase inducers.”

Before partnering with John, it would take Bill and his team 10,000 tries to get a hit that would induce telomerase.  Out of the first 11 organic plant compounds John sent to Bill and his team (triple blind so they wouldn’t know) to test, they got 8 hits activating telomerase. That is already 7 above ta 65. I guess the proof is in the pudding.

Now getting to the meat of it. In our ta 65 reviews, what we’ve found is that it only uses one Telomerase activator, Astragalus. Ta 65 is a naturally occurring single molecule found in the ancient Chinese herb Astragalus. T.A. Sciences has developed a proprietary process to refine and purify ta 65. Their process begins with tons of plant material harvested from selected farms in one small region in China.

Sierra Sciences, who has partnered exclusively with John Anderson and his team in creation of its groundbreaking Telomere support supplement, Product B as found 858 telomerase inducers, as opposed to 1 telomerase activator in the ta 65 product.

It seems Dr. Bill Andrews and John Anderson clearly have the superior firepower, and far more testimonials to back it up, but what about the cost comparison to ta 65?

Looking into this, we found that Product B can be purchased at wholesale for as little as $69. A monthly supply of ta 65 comes to $219. Pretty much a no-brainer from a cost stand point.

As far as testimonials go, we’ll save that for another post. I’ve found significantly more testimonials for Product B than with our ta 65 reviews, even though its official launch was in August, 2011.

In my opinion, based on weighing the science and the facts, ta 65 is a stellar product, but we found Product B to be far superior.

You can learn more on youthful aging, telomeres, & Product B HERE


1. Paul L. Diet, nutrition and telomere length. J Nutr Biochem 2011. doi: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2010.12.001

Dr. Bill Andrews, Sierra Sciences, 2011

2. Hayflick L. (1965). The limited in vitro lifetime of human diploid cell strains. Exp. Cell Res. 37 (3): 614-636.

3. Olovnikov AM. Principle of margin otomy in template synthesis of polynucleotides. Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. 1971; 201(6):1496-9. Watson, J. D. Origin of concatemeric T7 DNA. Nat New Biol. 1972; 239(94):197-201.

4. Cawthon, R. M., K. R. Smith, et al. (2003). “Association between telomere length in blood and mortality in people aged 60 years or older.” Lancet 361(9355): 393-5.

5. Adapted from: Tsuji, A., A. Ishiko, et al. (2002). “Estimating age of humans based on telomere shortening.” Forensic Sci Int 126(3): 197-9.

6. Bodnar, et al. Extension of life-span by introduction of telomerase into normal human cells. Science, 1998.

7. Funk, et al. Telomerase Expression Restores Dermal Integrity to in Vitro-Aged Fibroblasts in a Reconstituted Skin Model. Experimental Cell Research, 2000

8. Tomas, et al. Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Delays Aging in Cancer-Resistant Mice. Cell, 2008.

9. Jiang, X.-R. et al. Telomerase expression in human somatic cells does not induce changes associated with a transformed phenotype. Nature Genet., 21, 111-114 (1999); Morales, C.P., et. al. Absence of cancer-associated changes in human fibroblasts immortalized with telomerase. Nature Genet., 21, 115-118 (1999); Harley, C. B. Telomerase is not an oncogene. Oncogene 21(4): 494-502 (2002). TA 65


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