ARVIND IS THE CEO HE IS ON THE LEFT There is a seriously depleted world economy right now. I very much doubt that there is anyone out there, that is not aware of this fact. The situation however seems to be gliding past some people, the affluent ones we all know of within our spheres of communication. Apparently they are totally oblivious of the somber and even dreadful things going on, this, however, is as far from the truth as the East is from the West. To explain, this, you only need to ask a so called "Lucky" haver, and they will tell you at length, just how badly things are going right now. Here's the thing, no one is totally spared from the scourge og having insufficient funds to do whatever they had done before, try it, ask someone, you will be astounded by what you would hear. In the light of this situation, I was happy to find several organisations willing to go the extra mile at reaching out to the have-nots of this world, and to spread a measure o...