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Showing posts from December, 2015

Is Your Life Over After 50?

Are you feeling lately, like you’re running out of time to be the person you dreamed to become when you were little? Do you ever resent yourself for not having a more successful life? Do you ever worry that you’ll never fulfill your purpose in life? If you answered YES to any of the questions above, then listen closely… Because even if you haven’t reached all your goals yet, doesn’t mean you can’t still achieve them! In fact, your fifties can be much better than your twenties!


Yes, finally the right person receives credit for his noble deeds. Read all about it here


World’s first anti-aging drug could see humans live to 120 UPDATE! Here is an incredible skin rejuvenator YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE YOUR OWN EYES One day, I overheard my husband refer to me as a  “wrinkled old prune.”  When I confronted him, he went as far as boldly telling me  “I CHEATED on you because you’re too old!”  and then he divorced me! This was a painful, humiliating shock. Until that point, no one had ever addressed the fact that my face had gotten so wrinkled and old and I had been in denial. Today, I am thankful for that comment because it motivated me. I knew I needed to get my face and skin healthy for me, and me alone. Had I not changed my lifestyle, I am certain I was on my way to looking like an old, dried-up prune. I took a long, painful look in the mirror and knew  I had to do something fast! " Ashley tried one method after another with little or no results. She even considered plastic surgery but was hesitant to go under...