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The Truth About Whey Protein And Your Nasty Belly Fat

A simple way to keep your muscles strong as you get older (and it isn't exercise) 

This one step can strengthen aging muscles, boost your immune system, and even help you manage your weight.

It’s normal for our muscles to lose tone and become a bit flabby as we age. But just because it’s normal, it doesn’t mean it’s good.

Not only are flabby muscles unsightly, they’re also a sign that we’re losing muscle mass and strength.

Losing muscle mass makes it harder to do the things you take for granted. Like walking up stairs. Lifting a bag of groceries. Or recovering your balance instead of falling.

Losing strength also makes you more prone to injuries that can keep you from enjoying the activities you've loved for years. It's a major reason people lose mobility and end up in nursing homes.

We all want to stay strong and vital for as long as possible. So many of us turn to exercise. While a regular exercise program can help, it’s often not enough. We need to feed our muscles, too. What's the best food for muscles?
Find out here




"No need to drink your Chocolate while doing this, just relax and enjoy the taste and actually lose weight drinking it."


  •  Heaped tablespoon of pure cocoa powder (Not sweetened Hot Chocolate)
  •  300 ml. coconut milk or water
  •  Honey, stevia or vanilla protein powder to taste
  •  Half a teaspoon of pure cinnamon powder 
  • Boil the coconut milk or water
  • Add cocoa and honey, stevia or protein powder to taste
  • Beat with high-speed mixer to produce a froth and sprinkle with cinnamon powder. 

This Food Can Help You Shed Up To 7

Pounds Of Belly Fat...

     food that burns belly fat

Desperate to shed some not-so-jolly holiday weight but shuddering at the
 thought of dieting or becoming one with the treadmill? Here's some
 New Year's cheer: Drink a few whey protein shakes a day and your body 
will automatically start burning more belly fat, suggests research from

Some Ways Whey Protein May Help You Get Leaner

Now, I know that I just told you that whey protein alone won’t necessarily help with weight loss, but I also don’t want to leave the impression that whey protein can’t play a role in speeding weight loss or change in body composition, provided you use it as part of an overall clean eating approach to diet and a good exercise plan.
Just to recap, there are a number of ways that including some whey protein in your diet can help with weight loss or fat loss:
  1. As a meal replacement when you are pressed for time. It’s always better to eat something, than to eat nothing. Because whey protein powder is so convenient, you can keep it around at the office and make a quick shake when you are tempted to eat a less healthy snack.
  2. As a way to help you eat 5-6 smaller meals across the day. Eating smaller, more frequent meals has been linked to improved body composition and less tendency to overeat later in the day.  If you are finding it hard to fit in five to six small meals or snacks each day, adding in a whey protein shake can help with this.
  3. As a way to encourage more lean muscle. Remember, getting a “toned body” requires increasing muscle (or at least maintaining it) while decreasing body fat levels. Including some additional whey protein in your diet (especially around your workouts) can help you achieve this.
  4. As a post workout recovery drink. Because whey protein is quickly digested, one of the best times to drink a protein shake is right after you workout. This can help encourage recovery and ensure that you have enough amino acids available to allow your body to build muscle.
  5. As a way to preserve the muscle you already have.  There is some research that indicates that people who consume whey protein are better able to maintain lean tissue, even during periods of inactivity. Including some whey in your diet each day may be able to help you better hold on to your muscle, even if your life keeps you away from the gym for a week or so.

Watch Out For Hidden Ingredients in Whey Protein Powder

If you do decide to try whey protein powder, it’s important to read the ingredients on the product closely.
Some whey protein powders have added ingredients that can be counter-productive to your goals.
For example, whey protein “gainer” powders have hundreds of extra calories added to them in the form of sugars in order to increase their calorie content for people who are trying to gain weight.  They can also have supplements like creatine added to them.
Look for a 100% whey protein powder with no additional listed ingredients.

The Skinny on Whey Protein and Weight Loss



At the end of the day, whey protein may be able to help you drop some body fat and maybe add some additional muscle, but it’s not as if you can simply start drinking more whey protein and watch the belly fat magically disappear. In fact, it’s conceivable that you might not lose a single pound of scale weight (or very little) as a result of drinking whey protein powder.
Can it help you reach your fitness and fat-loss goals? Possibly, but not on it’s own. Whey protein is just one tool of many available to you. Focus on eating a clean diet, exercising regularly (including lifting weights or resistance training), throw in some cardio and you’ll typically get good results, with or without whey protein.

Have a Question for the Fitness Nerd? Want a Chance To Win Some Free Under Armour?

If you have a question for the Fitness Nerd on exercise, diet, nutrition or healthy eating and cooking, send your question to:
Each month, I’ll draw a name from all of the legitimate questions I receive and the winner will recieve a $20 Under Armour eGift Card redeemable exclusively at
What’s my definition of legit? Legit means that your question is related somehow to fitness, diet, nutrition, supplements, exercise, healthy eating, etc. You get the point.

Losing Belly Fat: The BasicsLosing fat requires a negative energy balance, which means eating and drinking fewer calories than you burn. By creating a 500- to 1,000-calorie deficit, you'll lose 1 to 2 pounds of fat each week -- a rate of weight loss that's safe, sustainable and reduces your risk of weight regain. Consulting a nutrition professional or using an online calorie needs estimator can help you figure out roughly how many calories you'd need to maintain your current weight; then you can subtract 500 to 1,000 calories to set your target calorie intake for weight loss.

Unfortunately, you can't choose fat just from your belly; instead, you'll lose it from all over your body. That harmful deep abdominal visceral fat, though, is relatively easy to lose when you start dropping weight. However, if your excess belly fat is the subcutaneous kind -- the fat right under your skin that you can pinch -- it will likely take longer to burn off.


Make sure you read this before starting you whey protein program.



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