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Source:  Lee Euler

Cancer-fighting mineral is almost totally ignored

A Michigan doctor finds that nearly 100 percent of the patients he tests are deficient in a particular mineral.
This mineral is one everyone has heard of — and you probably think you get plenty from your food. The fact is, most of us don’t. And the lack of this vital nutrient is definitely a cause of breast cancer and breast cysts. It’s very likely a cause of prostate cancer, too — and probably a factor in many other types of cancer.
This mineral kills off breast cancer cells without killing off normal cells in the process. It’s ideal for both the treatment AND the prevention of breast cancer.
In fact, keep reading and I’ll tell you about a woman with late-stage breast cancer who saw her tumors disintegrate in less than four weeks thanks to this mineral. Opponents of alternative medicine have a fit when they see a story like this. They call it quackery. I’ll wear the "quack" label with pride.
Amazing non-toxic liquid kills cancer cells
"If I could pick only one treatment to cure my cancer, this would be it," says a top expert on alternative cancer treatments. It’s one of the world’s most powerful cancer cures, according to research by a scientist at the Detroit Institute of Cancer Research. And you can do it yourself, at home, without a prescription!
Even the mainstream National Cancer Institute has confirmed this treatment’s ability to kill cancer cells. As far as I’m concerned, the real-life experiences of scores of patients are even more impressive. A 54-year-old terminal patient named Robert totally got rid of his cancer in six months. Another patient named Arch was told he had only a 15% chance to live. He’s still alive three years later with "no evidence of cancer in repeated CAT scans."
No cancer treatment works for everybody — I always feel obliged to remind people. But this is one everybody should know about and check out.

This mineral prevents shocking health problems

When breast tissue cells don’t contain enough of this mineral, they are more likely to be abnormal, precancerous, or cancerous.
But lack of this mineral causes more problems than cancer — lots more. It’s probably the world’s number one preventable cause of mental retardation. That’s according to the UN’s World Health Organization — and they’re not exactly a friend of alternative medicine.
Deficiency in this mineral is also related to child mortality. Millions of expectant mothers are deficient and don’t know it, putting their babies at risk.
The lack of this mineral can be a factor in chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, ADD/ADHD, and even chronic headaches.

You need 83 times as much as the government recommends

The mineral I’m talking about is iodine. The scientists who have actually studied iodine and the doctors who use it in their practice believe we need 83 times as much as the government’s recommended daily allowance (RDA). The RDA is just barely sufficient to prevent goiter, a swelling of the neck caused by a swollen thyroid gland.
And it’s a fact that many Americans aren’t even getting the RDA. This dreadful mistake is because the medical profession sees iodine as a poison, even though it’s dangerous only in very large amounts. Most adults can easily take 83 times the RDA with no problems at all. In fact, that’s roughly the amount Japanese people eat in their seafood-rich diet.
Earlier I mentioned a Michigan doctor. His name is David Brownstein, and he reports amazing clinical results when his patients start supplementing with high levels of this vital mineral.
"Miracle cures" for cystic breast disease are common among women who seek treatment from doctors who know about iodine therapy. A 45-year-old woman came to Dr. Brownstein with a 15-year history of breast cysts. "My breasts feel like two rocks," she said.
Following iodine therapy, she was thrilled. "The two rocks I had are now soft and normal feeling. All of the cysts are gone and all of the pain is gone."
One of his patients, a 55-year-old man, suffered from depression and loss of vision for three years. He felt like he was "in a fog". It turned out his problem was low thyroid function caused by extreme iodine deficiency. After starting a supplement protocol that included iodine, he reported the difference was like "night and day. . .I feel like I am 20 years old."
A 42-year-old named Paula suffered from severe headaches for more than 10 years. Tests showed her iodine blood-level was essentially zero. She reports, "After four weeks on the iodine, my headaches were over 95% better."
After just 26 days of taking an iodine dose that would shock most conventional doctors, a woman with late-stage breast cancer found her tumors were disintegrating, as shown by PET scans. Joan (that was her name) said, "I am so grateful for this information as it is surely saving my life."
Dr. Brownstein found that another woman with breast cancer tested very low for iodine levels. She had a history of breast cysts — typical of women with iodine deficiency. With the help of iodine supplements she was able to stop the progress of her tumors — without surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.
But there’s more. This woman, named Joyce, exclaimed, "I felt wonderful once I started taking iodine. All my friends started asking me what I was doing, since I looked so much better."

Goiters, "poison", and medical blunders

Years ago, in the 1920s, doctors first discovered that iodine deficiency causes goiter. The early experiments produced amazing results. Before iodine was introduced into the American diet, 40 percent of the children in some communities had enlarged thyroid gland (goiter).
Just four years after iodine was introduced, the number of goiter cases went down 75% and by 1951 fewer than one percent of school children had goiter.
I have vivid memories of seeing a woman with goiter when I was maybe five years old. She had a huge swelling as big as a baseball hanging from her neck. That’s my childish memory. Maybe it was only as big as a golf ball, but it was shocking. It’s hard to believe this condition used to affect millions of people.
This epidemic was totally wiped out by supplementing with a mineral -- iodine. As you probably know, the authorities took the approach of adding iodine to salt. Later, the baking industry started adding iodine to bread and other wheat products as a dough conditioner. At one time you could get your entire RDA of iodine from one slice of bread.
In spite of this huge success story, the medical establishment has practically forgotten iodine. These days, fewer than half of us use iodized salt. And just as you would expect, medical tests indicate the average American’s iodine level has plunged 50 percent.
According to Dr. David Brownstein, "I was taught in medical school that there is enough iodine in salt to supply the body’s need for iodine. In fact, this has been taught in every medical school for over 80 years. However, there were no studies to back up this claim. . ."
Even if you use iodized salt, the amount of iodine is tiny compared to what you need (more on this in a moment). And meanwhile, the baking industry has stopped using iodine as a dough conditioner. Why? Because — in yet another blunder -- the medical establishment claimed the levels of iodine in bread might be unsafe.
Now get this: to replace iodine, the baking industry began to use a related element — bromine — that’s actually toxic. It attaches to your body’s iodine receptors and thereby BLOCKS the iodine you need! Unbelievable. Doctors pressured the food industry to stop using a vital nutrient and substitute a toxin.

The right dose and the right form

I don’t have space here to tell you everything there is to say about iodine. But I do want to say a word or two about the best way to supplement. You need TWO forms of the mineral —iodine and iodide.
Although every cell in your body contains iodine, the bulk of it is consumed by your thyroid gland. Potassium iodide is the form that’s easiest for your thyroid to take up.
Unfortunately, other body tissues including breast tissue mainly use iodine, NOT iodide.Animals studies show that the form that’s best for your thyroid — iodide — is ineffective in these other tissues. They need pure iodine.

Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.


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