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Shore Up Your Brain’s Defenses the Aftermath of Stroke

Natural Defense Against Stroke

The after effects of a stroke can be devastating. Simple daily tasks, including communication, can become impossible. But there may be hope for stroke survivors.
A study published in Stroke shows that a common herb may be useful in preventing permanent damage.
Researchers at John Hopkins University studied the effects of the herb on the brains of mice.1 The scientists divided the mice into two groups. They gave one group the herbal supplement for seven days. The other group of mice received nothing.
Researchers then induced all the mice with a stroke and after looked at brain function and brain damage.
The group of mice that took the herb showed impressive results. Free radical damage inside the brain was reduced by 48 percent. During a stroke free radicals kill cells inside the brain—causing brain damage that results in paralysis and memory loss. Even after the clot is cleared brain damage can continue to cause additional damage.
But the study showed the mice that got the herb had nearly 51 percent less neurological damage. And they showed limited paralysis and loss of limb strength.
If you are at risk of having a stroke, the authors of this study strongly suggest supplementation.
What was the herb that allowed a better quality of life?
Ginkgo biloba.
I’m sure you've heard of it. Ginkgo is a popular supplement to support memory brain function.
“Our results suggest that some element or elements in ginkgo actually protect brain cells during stroke,” said lead researcher Sylvain DorĂ©. “Now we have a possible understanding for how ginkgo actually works to protect neurons from damage.”
Another study out of Iraq looked at the role ginkgo biloba plays after a stroke.2 Researchers studied the effects of oxidative stress and inflammation in stroke victims. Reducing both is vital for prevent further nerve damage or even another on...


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