With kind permission from Jenny Lawson
pic courtesy flickr.com
With kind permission from Jenny Lawson
pic courtesy flickr.com
15 things you absolutely must know about social media or your face will melt off and get eaten by goats
Disclaimer: Every so often I have to reduce my xanax dosage so that I don’t develop a tolerance and I’m doing that right now and I’m having some withdrawal issues, so if this post seems fuzzier and more shouty than usual it’s because of the drugs. Or the lack thereof.
Whenever I’m on pinterest I find myself interrupted by pins that tell me about the 5 THINGS YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST KNOW ABOUT BLOGGING or 18 WAYS SEO WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE and I occassionally break down and click on them and then I read a bunch of bullshit I don’t even understand. I’ve been blogging for years and objectively speaking I’m somewhat successful at it, however the one thing I’ve learned about blogging is that there aren’t any hard-and-fast rules that help you succeed at it. It’s mainly luck, luck, some work, more luck, a little talent and assorted bullshit.
If I was good at doing graphic shit I’d make an infographic explaining this, but I’m bad with design and I fucking hateinfographics because I realize that they’re really just ads that people want you to post on your blog for free. (Seriously. And it’s okay to post infographics, but be aware that you’re being used as free advertising. Which is fine…if you’re aware of it.)
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