I am a woman almost 60 yrs. old who has suffered from RA since 31 yrs. of age. I was taking 2 x-strength ibuprofen daily for over 20 yrs. until recently, when a doctor told me I should stop. I didn’t know it, but long term use of ibuprofen, can cause severe insomnia (which I had), as well as a host of other problems, and since quitting taking it about 4 weeks ago, I’ve been sleeping like a baby!
But of course, my pain has got a lot worse, so I started making myself a special smoothie every day for lunch, which helps a ‘lot’! I put one banana, about 3/4 c. f.f. plain yogurt, 1/2 c. frozen cranberries and about 1 c. of frozen mixed fruit, (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cherries) together with 1/2 – 1 tsp. of powdered turmeric, 1 tsp. of fresh chopped ginger, 1 tsp. of cinnamon, and mix it all up in my blender and voila! Delicious, and after drinking it every day since stopping the ibuprofen, my pain is minimal. I know it’s the smoothies too that help, because if I don’t make myself one for 1 or 2 days, I can really feel it!

Dr.keyur Patel