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7 Ways To Avoid Giving Up

The global birth rate is bursting at the seams and not only for the obvious reasons like wonton lust!

In spite of what doomsday prophets are shouting, people are living longer healthier lives than at any stage in human existence. Taking just one reason from the many other complex reasons, medicine in less than a decade has quadrupled in quality and availability. So then, why are there more suicides than ever before?

If you would say that stress is also at a premium level you and 9 million others who know this, would be right. Just looking at teen suicides attributed to "Exam Stress" is at a global high. 

On a global scale, suicide is the second highest cause of death in the age group 15 to 34 and in this group, it was found, that men are 4 times more likely to kill themselves. "For reasons we don't fully understand, some people reach such depths of despair and pain that they begin to believe that they would be better off dead," said Dr. John Campo, the chair of psychiatry and behavioral health at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. 

In my short video below, I address 7 genuinely helpful ways to help "defuse" negativity and boost your self-worth to where it ought to be, in a state of joyful acceptance of where you are at this present moment and which will instantly unlock the imaginary, yet frighteningly realistic 'shackles of hopelessness and despair. Yes, dear friend, the ultimate truth regarding fear, is your perception of a given situation. The only real fear in life is fear itself. Change your thinking and you win!

This is hard for anyone suffering from this "con-dition" to understand, unless, you have, like me, already been there and escaped. Once you realize that there is only one thing we all have absolute control of, we can choose how we are going to react to any bad situation life has dealt us, we can collapse into a bottomless pit of despair or we can turn it around and methodically help the next person escape to a state of joy!


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