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The Awesome power of thinking like you are "Superman"


By Andre Hartslief

I want you to start thinking like you are

Sound Crazy?

Sound a little nutty?

It's powerful.

It's based in quantum physics science.

It will change your life.

Read on.....

If there was any person real or fictional person
whose qualities you could instantly possess,
who would that person be?

I would like to put forth the proposition that
"Superman" would be the perfect person.

Now you are probably thinking I have lost my mind

Read on, I think you will like what you are
about to hear.

Superman is a fictional Action comic book
superhero widely considered to be one of the
most famous and popular of such characters and
an American cultural icon.

He is indestructible, the man of steel, he can
stop a freight train in its tracks....great
powers to have in this day and age, wouldn't
you say?

OK Dan, this is sounding crazier by the
minute, how is it based in science, and how
can it change my life?

This is where it gets fun.

(For all my female subscribers don't worry we
have not left you out. There is also a female
version of Superman named Superwoman
she has the same powers that Superman has, you will
refer to her as you do this mental exercise.)

This is where you will learn about the
scientific marvels of the human body.

First let's look at the qualities that
Superman possesses, that you want to
make yours.

1. Superman is powerful.
2. Superman is virtually indestructible
3. Superman has amazing self esteem.
4. Superman has supernatural powers.
5. Superman can stop a speeding freight train.
6. Superman jumps into immediate action when
troubles arise.

OK, we know that Superman has incredible
supernatural powers, how can that help us?

What good will it do us to simply think we are

Here is where science comes in.....this is the
part where you will be AMAZED when you learn
about the supernatural powers "YOU" already

Best-Selling author and M.D. Dr. Deepak Chopra
tells us that our brains make certain
chemicals called Neuro Peptides . These are
literally the molecules of emotion. (Fear, Joy,
Love, Etc.)

These molecules of emotion are not contained
in your brain only, they actually circulate
throughout your entire body.

Your immune cells which are protecting you
from diseases like infection and cancer, and
many other illnesses are also contained
throughout your body.

Deepak tells us that the amazing part about of
these cells of emotion and immune system
support is that they are intelligent cells.

They are thinking cells!

He also tells us that these immune cells which
are protecting you from disease are constantly
eavesdropping on the conversation that you are
having with yourself.

Your self-talk.

They listen in and adjust their behavior based
on what they hear from you....their master.

So imagine what would happen if you started to
think like Superman.

Here are some of the thoughts you might have
during the day:

" I am indestructible"

" The challenges I face day to day are easily
overcome, after all I am Superman/Supergirl"

" I have supernatural powers."

" I have incredible strength."

"Nothing can stop me.....nothing."

The billions of thinking cells in your body

Their mission is to complete the picture of
you they see when they hear yourself talk.

They must obey.

Since you are "Superman" you cannot get sick.
Your immune system cells are now fortifying
themselves to make sure of that.

They are making you stronger everyday!

You have the ability to fight off all attacks,
physical, disease, illness....after all you
are Superman.

Superman is confident, your cells of emotion
relating to confidence will now create more
Neuro Peptide chemicals that promote feelings
of power.

Superman is fearless, your cells of the
emotion relating to fear will now create more
Neuro Peptide chemicals that promote feelings
of well being.

A feeling that you fear nothing.

Go for it!



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