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5 Signs You Will Get Cancer
And 7 Smart Ways to Prevent It!

"You have cancer" is something you NEVER want to hear from your doctor . . . because it means a world of suffering, and, for too many, death.
But here's SHOCKING news — most people have cancer in their bodies right now and don't even know it!
That's because a healthy body and a strong immune system destroy emerging cancer cells before they can create the life-threatening disease . . .
But some people are not so lucky.Dr. David Brownstein
Sadly, over 5,000 people in North America are diagnosed with cancer every single day — almost 2 million per year!
And that's why we're thrilled at Newsmax Health today to bring you an extraordinary presentation — How to Prevent Cancer — by America's foremost holistic health practitioner, Dr. David Brownstein.
In the next few moments, Dr. Brownstein will reveal five warning signs that you are at risk for cancer. You'll be surprised at just how common these are.
But the good news is that you DO NOT have to be a cancer victim. Today, Dr. Brownstein will show you what causes cancer, along with his simple steps to prevent and even reverse it.
Prevention is more important than ever before because, as Dr. Brownstein will tell you . . .
Contrary to cancer industry propaganda, we are NOT winning the war on cancer. Conventional cancer treatments are failing. And overall death rates for cancer are unchanged in 80 years!
Dr. Brownstein is the medical director of the Holistic Center for Medicine in West Bloomfield, Mich.
He's the author of 10 best-selling health books, and he's the nationally known editor of Newsmax's very popular Natural Way to Health.
Let's go to Dr. David Brownstein now. His valuable guidance on preventing cancer can literally save your life, and the lives of those you love!
How to Prevent Cancer By Dr. David Brownstein
Dr. David BrownsteinHello, I'm Dr. David Brownstein. Today, I'm going to show you five warning signs that you're likely to get cancer, and also how to prevent it!
And what I have to say will be of equal value to those who already have been diagnosed with cancer, are undergoing treatment, or are in remission.
What you discover in the next few minutes can literally save your life. . .
My goal is to empower you to take charge of your health, and not become a cancer victim because of a lack of this basic cancer-prevention knowledge.
I'm a U.S.-trained medical doctor with a private practice in West Bloomfield, Mich. I have had tremendous success restoring the health of patients who have come to me after conventional medicine has failed them.
And what's particularly interesting about that is . . .
  • Routinely, I find my new patients have key nutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances, usually as a result of eating the Standard American Diet. I refer to it as the SAD diet. This diet can predispose you to many nutrient and hormonal imbalances and leads to a devitalized body.
  • I find they have been exposed to an overload of environmental toxins in food, water, air, and consumer products, and these exposures are suppressing and disrupting their immune systems.
What's more . . .
  • Their bodies have been damaged by harmful and unnecessary drugs.
  • And finally, they've been misinformed by the government, the media, and most regretably, by a medical establishment controlled by the pharmaceutical industry.Read on...


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