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"2025: The Year Man
Becomes Immortal?"

Could The First Person To Live To
1000 Years Already Be Alive Today?
This article was aired on Fox News about an investigation titled “Who Wants to Live Forever? Scientist Sees Aging Cured,” in which they reported. . .
“. . . the first person who will live to see their 150th birthday
has already been born. And the first person to live for
1,000 years could be less than 20 years younger. ”

And Time Magazine ran a cover with the headline: “The Year Man Becomes Immortal. ”
Also, 60 Minutes aired a special they called “The Quest for Immortality. ”

There is a growing trend toward a promising future where we needn’t live in such stark fear worrying about debilitating, degenerative diseases like Heart Attacks, Strokes, Arthritis, Alzheimer's, Diabetes and more.

Doctor Al Sears yesterday published this incredible video about telomere breakthrough; you can catch it here

Andrew had tracked them for days out on the Timbavati savannah in South Africa. Even his native Tsonga guides were getting weary.
There wasn’t any guarantee they would see one. Only 13 of them exist in the wild.
But right as he was about to give up, he saw a rustling in the tall grass. He held his breath.
Out bounded a snow-white lioness, followed by three white lion cubs.
He told me when he saw them, he felt connected to life in a new way — all the way down to his cells.
The local tribes consider these rare white lions sacred. Legend has it they came down from the stars. And when they landed, their light transformed the old queen of the Tsonga people into a vibrant young woman again.

You might think Andrew went on this adventure after college or on vacation in his 30s. But actually, he went on this safari just last year — when he was 72 years old.
I wasn’t surprised. Andrew is a patient of doctor Sears. And they ae paying particular attention to a little-known mechanism in his cells. This mechanism determines how young you are biologically, regardless of your chronological age.
In other words, you can be younger than your birth certificate says you are.
And Andrew isn’t alone. His life-changing trip is just the most recent story from his patients.
The ranks of “new young” have been growing since 2010, including…
  • A 59-year-old patient who flies into his clinic from Southeast Asia twice a year — with an immune system of a 25-year-old;
  • A man whose lungs turned 24… on his 60th birthday;
  • And a 58-year-old doctor who runs 50- to 100-mile races every month.
Read all about doctor Al Sears' amazing research and arriving 10 Healing supplements here


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