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Worst Advice I've Ever Had About Content Writing


Different businesses will require different peculiarities in the approach to their content marketing and offering blanket advice is fraught with danger. This doesn’t prevent people from trying to offer misguided advice on what they insist has worked for them and what will work for all others. 

Below are a few of the worst examples I often hear. 

You can expect fast results

 High-quality content takes time and effort to create. It requires research and attention-to-detail, and once complete, polishing to ensure it shines. Once it’s written and finished, it requires promotion and dissemination among your audience to build engagement. Factor in an outreach campaign and your content marketing starts to reveal itself as a long-term strategy that doesn’t accommodate quick fixes. 

The more you post on social channels, the more effective your campaign.

Social media is perfect for taking your brand and content to a wider audience. It allows fast updates and easy interaction with customers and followers, helping to create a community of engaged users. With this direct access to your customers, it is easy to get carried away and overdo your engagement attempts. People follow a lot of different Twitter and Facebook users and with the average person following upwards of 100 accounts the stream can quickly become a rushing river. Simply, not true. The opposite is true.


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